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Kids probiotic - Sparky

Kids probiotic - Sparky

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Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that inhabit our digestive tract and live in symbiosis with our body. They are extremely important for the health of the elderly, and they are even more important for the proper development of children

After extensive research, we have selected the best science-based combination of probiotic bacteria in adequate amounts to provide your children with a healthy gut biome. The benefits of a favorable gut environment are numerous and affect the overall health of the body.

Product content Probiotic for children - Sparky

Main ingredients 5×1010 probiotic cultures

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Streptococcus thermophilus
  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Bifidobacterium spp
  • Wild blueberries (Vaccinium uliginosum) lyophilized

Other ingredients:

  • Prebiotic fiber - fructooligosaccharides (GOFOS)
  • Magnesium stearate
  • Magnesium citrate

A single daily dose of 1 tablet contains:

  • Probiotic mixture - 100 mg
  • Lyophilized wild blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) - 200 mg.

In a package: 30 tablets (chewable)

Packaging for: 30 days

We offer pure and natural support for your health:

  • 100% active ingredients
  • Gluten free
  • Lactose free
  • No added sugar
  • Without preservatives and artificial colors
  • Not tested on animals.

Recommendations for admission

Recommended daily intake

  • 1 (one) tablet per day - in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • Tablets can be sucked or chewed.

Other recommendations

  • Suitable for children over 3 years old. To be taken under parental supervision.
  • Consult your doctor before taking.


There are no known contraindications and observed side effects with the use of this product. The product is not recommended for babies and children under 3 years of age.

Who is the product suitable for?

Sparky children's probiotics have a specially developed formula to deliver the most studied lactic acid bacteria in adequate amounts to the child's organism.

Probiotics are suitable for children over 3 years of age.

It is recommended for use in children whose parents have noticed:

  • Irregular bowel movements and/or passing poorly formed stools
  • Frequent swelling of children's bellies
  • Complaints of abdominal pain
  • Having too much gas (flatulence).

Taking a probiotic for children - Sparky will help to regulate intestinal peristalsis and the harmony of the intestinal biome, which will improve the function of the digestive and immune systems of children.

The trust of our customers is important to us. Therefore, each product has a registration number issued by the Agency responsible for the control of food and food additives, which verifies its authenticity and quality: T032304436

GMP certificate

GMP certificate - Good Manufacturing Practice - represents the gold standard in the production of nutritional supplements.

VitaOn products are manufactured following strict production processes and strict control at every stage, guaranteeing high quality and safety.

GMP certificates are a kind of proof of our company's dedication to providing you with only first-class premium products.

We prioritize consistency, accuracy and cleanliness and thus offer you peace of mind and trust that we are responsible for.

What is it?

Probiotic for children - this is a combined probiotic product that provides health and comfort to your children.

The content of 5 different types of probiotic bacteria in its composition makes it extremely important for maintaining strong immunity and the health of the digestive and excretory system.

How does it work on the body?

The daily intake of a good probiotic regulates the rhythm of defecation, regulates the child's immunity and health.

The role of beneficial lactic acid bacteria is important in maintaining the homeostasis of the intestinal biome. The bacterial cultures of the individual species in the composition of "Sparky" work in symbiosis with each other, as well as with the human organism.

Good intestinal flora is responsible for the proper absorption of nutrients. The acidic reaction of the environment, which is the result of the action of probiotics, prevents the development of harmful microorganisms. This includes bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses.

The development of disease-causing bacteria in the intestinal biome leads to intoxication of the body. The reason for this is the many harmful substances that are released as a result of the bacteria's metabolism.

Toxins damage mucosal cells and contribute to an increase in oxidative stress resulting from the action of free radicals.

The end result is observed on several levels:

  • Lowering of the immune system
  • Indigestion
  • Bloating and painful intestinal cramps
  • Increased frequency or worsening of pre-existing allergies and others.

Therefore, when we add Probiotic "Sparky" to the diet of our children, their organism can benefit from all the benefits of the action of beneficial bacteria.

Benefits of taking Sparky Probiotic for children

Different strains in the composition of the product contribute to different results of their intake.

The specificity of building a favorable and healthy intestinal biome is that individual strains of lactic acid bacteria act synergistically, supporting and enhancing each other's action.

This happens because they work together in one direction or favor the development of other types of bacteria by providing substrates through their metabolism.

Taking the combined nutritional supplement with a probiotic nature supports children's health in more ways than one.

Lowers the intestinal

A common characteristic of lactic acid bacteria, from which their name originates, is that they convert certain carbohydrates, such as the milk sugar lactose, into lactic acid.

Lactic acid plays the role of a regulator of the alkaline-acid reaction of the intestines, which in humans should be low or even acidic.

The acidic pH provides the necessary conditions for the favorable existence and reproduction of all the beneficial microorganisms inhabiting our intestines and forming a mini-ecosystem called the intestinal biome or biota.

In addition to providing an environment suitable for their own growth and reproduction, probiotic bacteria simultaneously provide protection to the intestinal mucosa from colonization with pathogenic microorganisms.

Harmful bacteria are normal inhabitants of the intestinal lumen, but under good conditions they are suppressed and their growth is controlled. When the balance of good and bad bacteria is disturbed, the spread of pathogens can become uncontrollable.

This leads to disturbances in exchange, formation of toxins, damage to the mucous membrane and violation of its permeability. The result is an increased risk of the appearance of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, "decalibration" of the immune system and the appearance of immune deficiencies.

Taking a probiotic in children is even more important because of the fragile, developing organism, and will act as a shield against harmful bacteria and viruses that constantly attack the gut and immune system.

It helps the absorption of dairy products

All the representatives of the lactic acid bacteria that we have selected have the ability to break down milk sugar. This process in our body takes place thanks to the lactase enzyme.

Unfortunately, over time it gradually stopped being produced. Many people, including children, suffer from the so-called lactose intolerance. This is a condition in which, due to the fermentation of lactose by harmful bacteria, many toxins are released, gases are formed and intestinal colic occurs, sometimes accompanied by diarrhea.

In order to prevent such reactions in the children's organism, a number of dairy products should be excluded or a probiotic should be added to the children's diet. In severe forms of lactase deficiency, it may be necessary to completely exclude dairy products from the children's menu.

An exception is yogurt, which, due to the action of the same bacteria inhabiting our intestines, does not contain milk sugar. They break down lactose into glucose and galactose and make it readily available to the body.

Improves immune defense

It is a little known fact that a person's immune system is housed in the gut. It can be said that they practically have their own immune system.

This should not surprise us, since the intake of food and water is one of the main mechanisms for the ingestion of pathogenic microorganisms. The immune system performs the function of recognizing and eliminating them, preventing them from entering the bloodstream.

An imbalance in the intestinal microbiota creates conditions for oxidative stress, inflammatory reaction and weakening of the immune system.

For the child's organism, which is still in the process of development, the immune system is of extreme importance. It is no accident that in this day and age, when our children are consuming a huge amount of processed and frankly harmful foods, banal viral and bacterial infections are so common.

Harmful food and the intake of sugars, preservatives and enhancers damage the intestinal microbiome, and the consequence of this is the damaged intestinal mucosa together with the immunological components.

Therefore, it is important for parents to know that proper nutrition is the basis of children's health, and the intake of probiotic bacteria helps to maintain a healthy intestinal environment and high immunity.

Reduces the risk of allergies

Science has proven that certain probiotics are related to another, increasingly common problem among modern children, namely allergies.

They are a consequence of the increased release of histamine from the immune system, due to disturbances in the intestinal balance.

The main "culprit" for suppressing histamine was also established - it is the lactic acid streptococcus. Streptococcus thermophilus suppresses the release of histamine, both from the own immune cells and from harmful microorganisms.

In addition, this beneficial streptococcus potentiates the action of cytokines, thereby regulating the strength and adequacy of the immune response.

It can prevent Helicobacter pylori infection

This bacterium settles in the stomach lining, and sometimes in the more distant parts of the digestive system, causing gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. They are expressed in pains of an undefined nature in the stomach, swelling, belching, loss of appetite, reflux and others.

Many of you probably think that these diseases are characteristic of adults. Unfortunately, however, this is not the case. Statistics show that about ⅓ of the world's child population suffers from Helicobacter infection.

Taking Sparky Children's Probiotic can reduce your child's chance of contracting this stubborn bacteria, as well as help the body fight it off in the event of an existing infection.

According to science, the credit for this beneficial effect should be attributed to the bacterium Bifidobacterium bifidum. It has a protective effect and reduces the chance of infection with the pathogen.

Reduces the severity of colitis symptoms

Chronic colitis in its various forms is a disease that unfortunately quite often affects children as well. Part of the accepted treatment is taking probiotics because of the many beneficial properties they have.

Their overall beneficial effect on the intestinal environment and intestinal mucosa can positively affect intestinal cramps and spasms, gas and diarrheal stools.

Improving the gut biome can reduce intestinal permeability, which is at the root of chronic gut disease. This is through the synergistic effect of the multiple mechanisms by which probiotics benefit children's health. The combined action of beneficial bacteria makes them extremely suitable for maintaining the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits of the blueberry ingredient

The added blueberry extract brings with it a number of beneficial effects for children's health.

As an action for the body, several are distinguished:

  • Improves eyesight.
  • Improves thought processes.
  • Supports healthy immunity.

The taste of blueberry is a favorite of every child, so we will be sure that the probiotic for children will be taken regularly and willingly.

We attribute the beneficial properties of blueberries to their high content of anthocyanins, to which we also owe their blue color. Combined with probiotic bacteria, blueberry extract helps strengthen the gut.

Studies show that taking blueberry concentrate is an effective way to deal with enteroviruses, which cause diarrhea and enteritis in childhood.

Anthocyanins and other important phytosterols prevent vision and protect the eye apparatus from the harmful effect of artificial white and blue light, to which our children are exposed during long periods of time in front of phones and computers.

What are the benefits of Probiotic Sparky (Kids Probiotic)?

Probiotic for children is a complete product that combines the most studied strains of lactic acid bacteria and bacilli.

This product ensures the health of the digestive system, the excretory system, leads to a general strengthening of immunity and helps with chronic inflammatory and allergic diseases.

It can be used successfully for problems such as acute diarrhea caused by viruses and bacteria, both during and after taking antibiotics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should a child take probiotics?

The intake of probiotics is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended - this way you ensure your child a healthy immunity and good intestinal function.

Does the probiotic for children help with constipation and diarrhea?

Yes, taking a probiotic for children regulates the balance in the intestinal lumen and restores the permeability of the intestinal mucosa. It helps maintain homeostasis and regulates defecation.

Which foods are high in probiotic bacteria?

Such foods are yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut.







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