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Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium Citrate

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These are just some of the benefits of this amazing mineral - magnesium. It is indispensable in the human body and for life on earth in general. We will consider the rest of its benefits further down in the text.

Magnesium is a vital element responsible for the functioning of our body and ensuring the adequate running of a number of processes in our body.

It is not very widely represented in the diet of modern man, and therefore symptoms of magnesium deficiency are often manifested. On the other hand, this makes it highly sought after as a dietary supplement in various forms, be it liquid, tablet or otherwise.

We have chosen to offer you magnesium in its citrate form - magnesium citrate. It is highly absorbable and ensures magnesium levels are compensated.

Product Content

Main ingredients: Each tablet contains 1250 mg of magnesium - magnesium citrate, of which 200 mg is pure magnesium.

Nutrition Facts:

  • Single dose: one capsule
  • Quantity: 60 capsules
  • Packed for: from 20 to 60 days (depending on reception)

We offer pure and natural support for your health:

  • 100% active ingredients
  • Gluten free
  • Lactose free
  • No added sugar
  • Without preservatives and artificial colors
  • Not tested on animals.

Recommendations for intake and daily dose

Recommended daily dose:

  • One to three capsules per day, after meals.

The daily recommended amount of magnesium for an adult is about 450 mg of pure magnesium.

In the past, it was often recommended that magnesium intake be limited before bedtime due to its positive effect on sleep and its calming effect. This is a fact, but it does not have a sedative effect and does not lead to drowsiness if it is also taken during the day.

Maintaining the necessary levels of magnesium in the blood plasma is important during the period in which we are most active, as magnesium is related to the production of energy and a number of other processes.

In fact, magnesium metabolism is quite dynamic. To maintain optimal levels of magnesium in the body throughout the day, it is good to divide the recommended daily dose into three doses.

We recommend taking one tablet with food, two to three times a day.

This way of intake will help you enjoy all the benefits of the nutritional supplement throughout the day, making you more efficient and effective.

Who is it suitable for?

Magnesium intake is suitable for any group of people.

Its benefits are many, and the effect occurs quickly, which will make you want to keep this quality supplement always close to you.

It is most necessary for active athletes and people suffering from systemic intestinal diseases who cannot absorb the mineral well.

The beneficial effects of the supplement will be felt by everyone - be it people with increased physical or mental work, or people under stress.

In the presence of visible symptoms of deficiency, supplementation with it becomes a mandatory responsibility to your body.

The trust of our customers is important to us. Therefore, each product has a registration number issued by the Agency responsible for the control of food and food additives, which verifies its authenticity and quality: T032400080

GMP certificate

GMP certificate - Good Manufacturing Practice - represents the gold standard in the production of nutritional supplements.

VitaOn products are manufactured following strict production processes and strict control at every stage, guaranteeing high quality and safety.

GMP certificates are a kind of proof of our company's dedication to providing you with only first-class premium products.

We prioritize consistency, accuracy and cleanliness, and in doing so offer you peace of mind and trust that we are responsible for.

What is magnesium?

Magnesium is the second most abundant mineral in the human body. A large percentage is stored in bones, connective tissue, tendons and less in muscle tissue.

Magnesium participates as a cofactor and coenzyme in more than 300 enzymatic reactions. Including protein synthesis, regulation of muscle and nerve tissue functions, control of blood sugar and blood pressure.

It is vital in energy synthesis, oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis.

How does magnesium work?

This mineral plays an important role in building bone tissue and in the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

Magnesium is also a cofactor in the synthesis of the most powerful natural antioxidant - glutathione. It also takes an active part in the regulation of neurotransmitter formation and tissue signaling.

It is important to maintain adequate levels of magnesium in the body because of the important functions it performs.

Our body needs to compensate for losses of the mineral, which are the result of its participation in many physiological processes.

A large percentage of magnesium is lost in the act of sweating, when a number of other minerals - K, Na, Ca - are released along with it through the skin.

In chronic diseases of the digestive tract, there is impaired absorption of magnesium, thus not meeting the body's needs.

Heavy physical exertion also leads to excessive consumption of magnesium ions, which are necessary for muscles and their contractions.

All these, and often a number of other conditions and circumstances, lead to reduced levels of magnesium in the blood - hypomagnesemia.

We get magnesium through the food we eat. Nowadays, due to the high percentage of processed foods we consume, magnesium intake is often far below the required values.

This inevitably leads to a number of unpleasant side pathological conditions characteristic of the modern world.

Such conditions can be:

  • Hypertension
  • Depressive states
  • Impaired sleep quality
  • Anxiety
  • Muscle weakness
  • Insulin resistance
  • Increasing the risk of injuries.

For the reasons listed above, one of the most sought-after nutritional supplements today is precisely magnesium. It is found in different chemical forms, each of which accentuates to a greater extent the desired effect.

The most common and most bioavailable, easily absorbed form of magnesium is magnesium citrate.

Benefits of taking magnesium

Magnesium is a trace element, which means that our body needs relatively small amounts of it. However, this does not diminish its exceptional role for the proper functioning of the body. It is involved in a number of vital reactions and processes.

The benefits of maintaining normal levels of this trace mineral affect the health and function of all organs and systems in the human body. Providing the magnesium we need will have a positive impact on various aspects of our health.

Benefits of magnesium during physical exertion

People who play sports or perform other types of physical exertion have a greater need for magnesium.

In addition to participating in the synthesis of ATP, magnesium helps to transport glucose into the cells, where it is converted into energy.

Another particularly important function affecting the group of athletes is the regulation and removal of lactic acid from muscle cells during exercise. This in itself leads to greater endurance and efficiency in muscle contractions.

The lack of magnesium leads to the appearance of involuntary muscle contractions (cramps or muscle spasms), which are quite painful and carry the risk of spontaneous rupture of muscle fibers. Also, plexitis points and muscle hypertonus can appear, which is a prerequisite for injuries.

Benefits of magnesium for symptoms of depression and anxiety

Numerous clinical studies prove the connection of hypomagnesemia (decreased levels of magnesium in the blood) with the development of depressive and anxiety disorders.

The mechanisms by which it acts positively in neuropsychiatric conditions are under study.

However, magnesium has been shown to be actively involved in the regulation of the production and release of neurotransmitters. Builds membrane phospholipids, thus keeping nerve tissue alive and functional.

Benefits of magnesium for blood sugar regulation

Clinical studies prove a link between low magnesium levels and type 2 diabetes. A statistical study indicates that 48% of non-insulin dependent diabetes sufferers have hypomagnesemia.

The mineral participates in the regulation of blood sugar, directly helping its transport in the cell and increasing insulin sensitivity.

People with adequate magnesium intake have a 50% lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of magnesium as a blood pressure regulator

It has been proven that people with hypomagnesemia have a statistically greater chance of arterial hypertension or high blood pressure.

Magnesium relaxes the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing vascular resistance and regulating blood pressure values.

High blood pressure is a sure symptom and prerequisite for the development of heart disease. Hypertension is a risk factor for damage to all systems and organs in the body.

Low levels of magnesium in the blood are associated with increased levels of the inflammatory protein CRP, as well as other mediators of inflammation such as interleukin-6.

Adequate intake of magnesium has been shown to prevent chronic inflammatory diseases.

Benefits of magnesium for energy transformation

Magnesium is an extremely important essential mineral without which we could not exist.

It plays an indispensable role in the production of energy, participating as a cofactor of the ATP-synthetase-protein, which carries out the synthesis of adenosine-triphosphate in the mitochondria of the cell.

Adenosine triphosphate is the main energy-carrying cell in our body, which exists most abundantly as a compound with magnesium - Mg ATP.

Benefits of magnesium for migraines

A correlation has been found between low magnesium levels and the frequency of attacks in migraine sufferers.

It is believed that taking adequate doses of magnesium can prevent a possible migraine episode.

More studies are needed to understand the exact mechanism. The vasorelaxing effect of magnesium is thought to dilate the blood vessels of the brain and relieve migraine symptoms.

Benefits of magnesium for women's health

Magnesium is an important friend of the female population. It helps with PMS to eliminate the water retention, irritation, abdominal cramps and anxiety associated with this physiological condition.

Increased intake is recommended for women who are about to have their monthly cycle.

Benefits of magnesium for bones

The most abundant stores of magnesium in our body are bones and soft tissues. This is why magnesium intake leads to a stronger skeleton and reduces the risk of fractures.

Studies have shown that in risk groups for osteoporosis (menopausal women, patients with kidney failure, and others), taking additional magnesium in the form of a dietary supplement significantly lowers the risk of fractures.

Benefits of magnesium as a means of better sleep

Magnesium promotes the relaxation of muscle and nerve tissue and thus helps achieve a sense of calm, especially in people suffering from anxiety disorders. It also regulates heart rhythm.

All these qualities of the mineral indirectly favor faster drifting off and falling asleep, as well as better quality sleep.

However, magnesium also has a direct effect on sleep - it participates in the regulation of the metabolism of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid, which suppresses the functions of the nervous system. This neurotransmitter governs processes related to falling asleep and staying asleep.

Optimal levels of magnesium help us to be active and alert during the day and to sleep well at night, making it an indispensable assistant for active people.

What are the benefits of VitaOn Magnesium Citrate?

Magnesium is a vital mineral, the lack of which leads to a serious disturbance in the body's work.

Its additional intake is more than desirable in order to provide our body with the necessary resources to be able to work most efficiently.

By taking magnesium citrate as a dietary supplement, we ensure that our body needs this mineral to enjoy perfect health and high performance. The high digestibility of VitaOn's product ensures the rapid entry into the bloodstream and the onset of positive effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I take too much magnesium citrate?

Taking too much magnesium citrate is not dangerous to your health. You can expect to experience a rapid bowel movement, which will manifest itself with a single diarrheal bowel movement. However, we advise you to follow the instructions for use.

Can magnesium citrate be taken during pregnancy?

Magnesium intake is very important for pregnant women. Nowadays, doctors include magnesium in the list of mandatory supplements for pregnant women. To specify the dose, we advise you to consult your AG specialist.

Magnesium Oxide or Magnesium Citrate?

Magnesium oxide has extremely low bioavailability, which means that the extent to which it is absorbed by our body is close to 0%. For this reason, the VitaOn team offers you the form of magnesium citrate in optimal doses so that you can get the most out of your magnesium intake. So you get quality for your money.

Is it safe to take magnesium citrate?

Taking magnesium in the form of magnesium citrate is absolutely safe if you follow the recommended dosages. In the daily life of modern man, it can be said that its use is a necessity.







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